Zago s.r.l. treats personal data of customers, suppliers, collaborators and subjects who have voluntarily shared their data to our sales department – directly or by phone, fax, e-mail, web – or the firm who executes telemarketing service on behalf of Zago s.r.l.

According to the previously mentioned law (ref. Art.2 – Scope), Zago s.r.l. grants that the treatment of private data occurs in observance of the fundamental rights and liberties and the dignity of the person concerned, with particular reference to discretion, to personal identity and the right to protection of private data.

All data shared by the parties concerned are treated exclusively for fulfilments connected with the economic activity of the firm, in particular:
– inserting private data in the company’s database;
– processing internal statistics;
– registering technical intervention files for assistance and/or training;
– compiling technical relations about services requested by customers and/or potential customers;
– issuing documents of transport, invoices and credit notes;
– issuing budgets, estimations and offers to active and/or potential customers;
– issuing requests of offers to active and/or potential suppliers;
– keeping ordinary accounting and VAT;
– administrating receipts, proceeds and payments;
– sending commercial information about the company’s activity or the activity of firms connected to the computer field to active and/or potential customers;
– exchanging communications regarding the economical, administrative and commercial activities of the firm, by phone, mail, courier, fax, e-mail and by protected areas of the web site;
– satisfying obligations provided for by the law, the regulations, the community set of rules concerning civil and fiscal laws.

Personal data of the person concerned, when it was necessary, could also be communicated to:
– all the subjects whose access to those data is recognized by legislative measures;
– our collaborators, employees, staff, agents and suppliers within their duties and/or eventual contractual obligation with them, regarding commercial relationship with the parties concerned;
– factoring companies, debt collecting companies, credit insurance companies;
– producing companies and/or companies supplying the use license of eventual services/products supplied only when the communication is necessary for the use of the service/product purchased by the interested party;
– post offices, couriers, and shippers for the sending of material and/or documents;
– Unified Messaging service suppliers, when sending letters and communications to the person concerned, regarding the scope of the treatment, are made by this channel;
– all those physical and/or juridical persons, public and/or private, when the communication is necessary or functional to the development of our activity in the ways and for the scopes above illustraed;
– banks of the administrations of receipts and payment deriving from the execution of contracts;

Conferring one’s private data, by subject who intends to start a commercial relationship with our companyt, even if merely informative about our activities/services, is to be considered optional, but their non-conferring could signify the non-prosecution of the relationship, its correct development and its eventual legal and fiscal fulfilments. Data are conserved in our company’s operative office, for the time prescribed by civil and fiscal laws.

Private data treatment occurs exclusively inside the operative offices of Zago s.r.l., using both paper and computer support, via phone or web, even through automatic devices wich are capable of storage, administration and transmission of the same data, observing every possible precautionary measure which can grant their safeness and discretion.

The holder of the above mentioned data treatment is:

ZAGO srl
Via dell’Indipendenza, 1
35010 Campo S. Martino – PD ITALY
Tel.+39 049 9630730
Fax. +39 049 9630827

under its legal representative.

The person concerned has the right to obtain the cinfirmation of the existence of his/her data, even if not yet registered, and to their communicaton in intellegible form.
The person concerned has the right to obtain the all details about:
– the origin of his/her private data, the scoper and modality of the treatment;
– the logic applied in case of the treatment effected by electronic devices;
– the private data of the holder and the representative elected according to art. 5, subsection 2;
– the subjects and categories of subjects to whom the private data could be confided or representatives elected in a nation’s territory.
The person concerned has the right to obtain:
– the updating, the rectification or the integration of data, whenever it could be of his/her interest;
– the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous form or the block of treted data in transgression of the law, even those whose preservation is not necessary for the scopes of their collection or their treatment.
The person concerned has the right to object, fully or partially:
– for lawfull reasons, to his/her private data treatment, although pertinent to the scope of the collection;
– to his/her private data treatment for the sending of advertising material, direct sales, market research or commercial messages.
The above mentioned rights could be exercised with an informal request to the holder or one of his representatives, even by a person in charge, to whom is given adequate reply without delay.
The request to the holder or one of his representativescan be transmitted even by registered letter, fax or electronic mail.

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